2月2日学术报告:Photoelectric Response in Nanostructures


Photoelectric Response in Nanostructures

Prof. Shuai Liu, Tianjin University of Technology and Education

Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, 15:00 pm

Room 205, South Tianjiabing Building

Hosted by Prof. Lin Miao


Due to the prominent characteristics and distinctive physical effect, nanostructures of metal-semiconductors have broad application prospects in the fields ofhigh-tech such as energy, aerospace, biology, and information. A lot of reports have demonstrated that nanostructures have more outstanding photoelectric performance than bulk materials. I will present a brief overview of the lateral photovoltaic effect and light-induced resistance effect on various nanostructures and also discuss our recent ongoing work on how to improve the photoelectric performance by localized surfaced plasmon resonance and external field modulation. 


Shuai Liu is an Associate Professor at the Tianjin University of Technology and Education, School of Science. He obtained his PhD degree at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and then joined North University of China in 2015. He joined the Tianjin University of Technology and Education in December 2023. He is interested in the intersection of optics, applied physics (resistive memory for data storage), and semiconductor physics (position-sensitive photodetectors).